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GRATIS KONCERT & LANGBORDSMIDDAG: Aasma tryller med naturens lyde i sin unikke musik

  • Bygagergaard 70 Hårbøllevej Askeby, , 4792 Denmark (kort)

Aasma is a multidisciplinary artist with roots in Estonia, raised in a samba group in Gothenburg and based in Stockholm - reflecting on humanity and nature together with an army of flutists, sculptors, drag artists, magicians, mystics and game designers.

With a field recorder in hand, a pair of terrain shoes and a portable production setup, they create experimental pop music in collaboration with the ocean, the mountains and the trees. Recording musicians from all over earth, creating innovative performances, taking part of residencies and presenting an ode to nature, collectivism and playfulness.

Lyt til Aasma HER

Koncerter er gratis. Støttearmbånd til Bygagergaard kan købes for 80 kr. hvis man har lyst til at støtte projektet.
Mad og drikke kan købes i caféen som er åben hele dagen og under koncerten.
DATO: 17. Maj kl. 18.00, 2024


Dette arrangement støttes af Vordingborg kommune, tusind tak for opbakningen!

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